Government of Jersey

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Port of Jersey live departures

This information was last updated at 15:06

02:30Channel Chieftain V departs to Guernsey from Victoria
Actual time of departure 02:43
08:00Commodore Goodwill departs to St Malo and Guernsey from the Elizabeth Terminal
Actual time of departure 09:33
09:10Condor Voyager departs to St Malo from the Elizabeth Terminal
Actual time of departure 09:01
13:00Condor Liberation departs to Poole from the Elizabeth Terminal
Actual time of departure 12:45
18:20Condor Voyager departs to St Malo from
Actual time of departure 18:20
22:30Condor Islander departs to Portsmouth from the Elizabeth Terminal
Latest estimated time of departure 23:59
02:30Channel Chieftain V departs to Guernsey from Victoria
15:15Condor Voyager departs to St Malo from
Actual time of departure 15:15
21:30Condor Islander departs to Portsmouth from
Actual time of departure 21:30

Arrival and departure information displayed on this website is supplied by individual shipping operators. It is the responsibility of the shipping operators to ensure this information is as accurate as possible and is updated where necessary. The Port of Jersey cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or late posting of schedule changes.